Work with our experienced family law attorneys!
Get child support that is fair and ensure you are protected!
When two parents do not live together, one of the most important things to consider is how this will financially affect their shared children. In order to make an arrangement that meets both the parents’ needs and those of their children, it is critical to talk to an experienced family law attorney about child support. Child support is the obligation of one parent to provide support to the other on behalf of their kids. Child support may seem simple, but that certainly is not the case and getting it wrong could cost you tens of thousands of dollars over the lives of your children.
Child support is the financial support that is calculated based on the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines.
These guidelines include certain factors such as:
Both parents’ gross monthly income;
The amount of parenting time that either parent has with the children;
Costs of health, dental, and vision insurance for the children;
Costs associated with childcare so a parent may work;
Any other children they may have;
Other extraordinary costs.
Based on these factors, a monthly child support obligation is created and made mandatory for the paying parent. The Court will enter a court order setting child support and once set, this amount cannot be exchanged except by court order. That means you cannot simply agree to a different amount without filing the proper paperwork, or you risk the massive consequences that come from unpaid child support. Even if you have a written agreement with your former partner, you must file with the court and seek court approval for the modification.
At Page & Cook, PC our team of family law attorneys will walk through all of your options to ensure the child support is fair under the law and you are protected during negotiations and in the final order setting or modifying child support.